
Sad Things (to the slave of us)

Sad Things
(to the slave of us1)

Lengthening these 
straitened bones

We thirst within
the desert

Forty years the void adepts
footfalls unvoiced in sand

What privates our soul-sour sorrows 
when clouds condensely pall?

What stalls in the white winds of pallor?

(I find myself lost here2
tinily unearthed)

in open mistake 
our own still wilderness

Revels a nation

Granite grained ghosts
in subterrain

A stepstone melody
Heavenbound Gravity

A faint coloratura
rehearsed for Whose Sake?


1  The slave within, still alive, delays Re-Creation … what do we do while waiting for all the slaveborn Jews to pass? The rabbis say the only way to not while away time is to study Torah.

2 I got lost at Mount Sinai.

2 thoughts on “Sad Things (to the slave of us)

  1. Hi Ronnie,

    I am reading your poem and letting it savor as I take it in.

    I love how you use language (a big dictionary comes in handy).

    What do we do while waiting is an excellent question! Is staying still and slowing down part of the answer?

    Shabbat Shalom dear friend… such a pleasure to talk and share.

    Thank you for your beautiful melodies…..



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