
For The Desire of You

For the Desire of You


Views, there were views
we noticed even prior

These our special fuse
in vespers retire

This an overuse
in lifting require

Then will be when
our life finds climbing spire.


I won’t hesitate love
to enter your lyre

Let me vent you and
breathe you entire

We find our we
in this desire

For Heaven will choose
our harmonic choir.


Traduce, malign,
and hurt the sire

The prickly past
and pine of that mire

A demon convention,
an enemy crier

Do not listen to the voice
of that quagmire.


Know me lovely,
know the beckon of the heart

Begin me quiet,
there is no one shier

I am yours alone
though I’d forgotten my part

To know G-d’s voice is
ours to acquire.

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